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Tribute to Wendi Paterson

Wendi founded Nordic WalkFit in 2008 and owned and operated the club for 10 years, until her passing on February 13, 2018 from cancer. She was Nordic WalkFit’s inspirational leader and an Urban Poling Master Trainer. She built up Nordic WalkFit to include a team of devoted Instructors, including Nadine Imbleau-Redman, Ardeth Kirkham and Sara Charron, to lead and teach classes alongside with her to benefit hundreds of people in enjoying the positive health benefits of nordic walking and exercising in the great outdoors.

Wendi exuded a passion for life and for healthy active living that was contagious. She was like a “magnet of positivity” that attracted so many to want to follow her.

Even throughout her five year journey with cancer, Wendi kept managing the club, teaching and leading classes. She taught so many to handle life with courage, strength, and a loving smile filled with thankfulness for the blessings all around us.

She gifted everyone that got to know her, with her beautiful smile, inspiring love and motivational spirit. She now walks with angels & her spirit will continue to bless and inspire us for the rest of our days, as we continue to live her legacy and keep walking, and being active in the great outdoors, just as she would want us to.

Wendi is greatly missed by all, however, she will never be forgotten as her life and legacy continues to inspire us daily to live as she would have - to celebrate life, live and love fully, and serve others with encouragement, health and fitness!

Photo of Wendy Paterson

A Love Note to Wendi

written by Joanne Moore

Dear, sweet friend, with the megawatt smile and precious heart;
You have been called home too soon.

Your love;

the unique and powerful 'Wendi brand'
Became a life force within each of us.

While hiking or riding,
we will feel your energy
on the sun dabbled pathways,
in the glistening water of rivers and streams,
in the riot of color and
gentle stirrings in the forest,
in the warm caress of the sun.

The click of our Nordic poles and
the swish of our snowshoes will remind us of you.
Joyful laughter, echoing through the forest,
will accompany us, as will your spirit.

Coffee, freshly brewed, will trigger snapshots
of the comraderie,
love and genuine concern
that you bestowed
on each of us.

Stars, gleaming in the night sky
are evidence now of your spirit,
bursting from heaven.

You are preparing a path for us.
as you have always done.

Our grief is softened,
With the knowing
that your spirit is lodged
in the deepest crevices of our hearts.

Our tears carry the resolve
To live as you would Live.
With Love and generosity of Spirit.

Forever yours,
Your trail buddies

Photo of Wendy Paterson and friends.
Photo of Wendy Paterson
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